We protect companies from cargo claims by ensuring that safety procedures and precautions are being followed during loading and unloading of cargoes. Supercargo report covers from the start to the end of cargo operations including risk assessments, calculations of safe rigging, lifting and cargo securing of heavy lift and project cargoes.
Cargo Survey
We attend cargo surveys during loading and discharging of ship's cargo to certify compliance with national and international regulations in cargo handling, segregation and stowage; and to ensure cargo description, dimension, quantity and quality are in accordance with the shippers and receivers specification.
HSQE Internal Audits
We conduct internal audit based on ISM, ISPS MLC 2006, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015. We identify process simplification and cost reduction while maintaining compliance to statutory requirements and maritime industry standards such as company specific safety management systems.
Crew Claims Handling
We strongly support anti-ambulance chasing. We believe that shipowners and their P&I Clubs can protect their interests when being represented by a combination of maritime experts such as Captains, Chief Engineers and lawyers. Cases will be dealt with evidence based and actual technical presentation of facts from the vessel and managing office.